Let’s play!

Our tools

We’ve developed multiple digital and print products and matched them, in order to reduce color frustration and maximize color ensurance instead. Furthermore, we save the environment by avoiding returns.

Color fan

With 1022 colors, different sizes, weights and high quality materials, our color fans Mini, Midi and Maxi meet all requirements – for end-users and professionals.


Digital color definition via RGB for smartphones, tablets and computers. From now on color shades and color combinations can be defined and compared to other color systems.


Quick and easy definition of COLOR JACK codes and colors. Measuring items and getting results with one click. Our independent color system can be installed on (nearly) any device.

Color Engine

A unique package, containing different software tools:

  • Color database for defining common colors
  • Color simulation for digitally coloring pictures
  • Color search engine for finding and combining products
  • Digital color atlas with multiple creative possibilities
  • Color filter for sorting product images
  • Color map for neighboring colors and color combinations

Know-how Center

Plenty of data and tools for professionals:

  • Tests/panels with users and companies
  • Databases for color usage/behavior
  • Trend and forecast tools for companies etc.


Hier kann man sich für jedes Tool eine Dokumentation herunterladen.

1) Anleitung Farbfächer

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2) Anleitung digitaler Farbfächer

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3) Anleitung Farbvergleich

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4) Anleitung Lesegerät

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