The founder Udo Kamp is telling his story:
“In April 2017 I was planning on decorating my new apartment. I wanted to purchase blinds and wall paint, which matched my couch. I searched in different hardware stores for the right color fan, to compare the items at home and then buy the right product. I was only able to find color cards, which were huge (15×30 cm) and weighed about 1 kg. Despite having hundreds of colors, some were still missing. Color fans can only be borrowed and not bought. So I had to borrow a NCS-color fan with 2000 colors and paid 160 € as a deposit. When trying out the colors at home, I realized that the colorful colors were not that present in the fan. That is when I was asking myself why there are no useful color fans on the market.
I started another test. I tried to purchase matching socks, tie and pocket square (like Ralf Dümmel). Everything that I received, did not match at all and I had no option to compare colors. So I continued with my test in retail stores, but after multiple hours walking through Munich I was frustrated. I had no color template of any kind, so I had to buy the socks and bring them to another store, to find the rest. Pretty complicating. There are some combinations of ties and pocket squares available, but only with limits in color. End of the story: I visited more than 10 stores (even a tie specialist) and gave up. A color fan would have been helpful.
Because of my bad experience I started researching, why there were no useful color fans for retail and users, which are compact, cheap and contain important colors. Year by year I started growing my network in the color world, in order to produce such a color system and fan. We worked for 3 years and invested a lot of money. Now, we are happy to collaborate with first retailers. I am proud of our success and looking forward to COLOR JACK’s future.”